Split Scene
A particularly messy relationship break up within the design team led to the destruction of all mutual belongings, including the vacation photos. The pain and agony turned into a blessing, with the shards of a once treasured memory in tropical paradise pieced back together to create an awesome print.
デザインチーム内で特に混乱した関係が解消されたため、バケーション写真を含むすべての相互所有物が破壊されました。 痛みと苦しみは、熱帯の楽園でのかつての貴重な記憶の破片を一緒につなぎ合わせて素晴らしいプリントを作成することで、祝福に変わった。

Scatter Brain
Running a business and being designers doesn’t always go hand in hand so we designed a print that depicts our lives. Everything starts black and white but slowly disintegrates into a colourful mess that floats out the window.
ビジネスを実行し、デザイナーであることは必ずしも両立していないので、私たちの生活を描くプリントをデザインしました。 すべてが白黒で始まりますが、窓から浮かび上がるカラフルな混乱にゆっくりと崩壊します。)

Lime Light
We’ve designed a print that will instantly make you the centre of attention. Simply wear it to your next session and you’ll have photographers with telescopic lenses and drones taking your photo while you adjust yourself or pick your nose to publish in the next glossy mag. It’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of thanks to us!
ライム ライト

Summer Sunset
Sydney-based artist Darren Gannon depicts the coastline of eastern Australia on a stormy night in his painting Dappled Surface, with a recolour by our designers to lift the mood. Check his work at www.darrengannon.com
サマー サンセット
シドニー在住のアーティスト Darren Gannon が描いた作品”Dappled Surface(まだらの水面)”がプリントされたアーティスティックなデザイン。東オーストラリアの嵐の夜の海岸線を描いた作品を、FUNKITAデザイナーチームが水着に合うよう色をアレンジして仕上げました。Darren Gannonの作品はここからチェック:www.darrengannon.com

Pony Puff
It’s not easy being a gluten-intolerant pony but Pony Puff learnt how to make it his strength. After a day munching grass, Pony Puff would tolerate a short period of stomach cramps before propelling himself into the sky powered purely by his own hot air to prance across the evening sky.
ポニー パフ

Predator Party
Wild carnivorous beasts are actually quite sensitive souls, and can be traumatised by their actions when they rip the head off a gazelle. We have captured one of their regular meetings together where the predators discuss their feelings and share a minute’s silence for their victims all while having their chins tickled.
プレデター パーティー